Friday, 6 July 2007

Anne On The Run (Thurs, July 5 '07)

OK, because blogging is thirsty work, and there's been a bit of shit gone down over the past 2 nights, Thurs night's episode is being presented in chat mode. I already told James a bit of what was going down, or at least the most amazing part of the episode, and I happened to be gchatting with our friend Bree at the same time, and she also asked me what happened tonight on Neighbours. So... here's 2 different self-indulgent gchats explaining the biggest plot development tonight. It was a biggie too, just a bit awesome. Other short plot points to follow:

(oh, and James is called Timothy, because like his blog says (see links) "My Name Is Tim But They Call Me James".)

me: Oh man, big shit tonight, do you want the spoiler before i type it up tomorrow?
Timothy: sure
me: well okay, if you're sure...
Timothy: yer
me: Someone came back.
Timothy: !!!!
oh it better me someone i like
me: Anne.
Timothy: holy shit
old anne?
like for ages ago
me: Blind Anne
Timothy: or rebecchi
wtf is she doing
me: Yeah, Loris found her last week!
Timothy: i kinda know where this is heading
i hated anne so much
is loris back?
me: But Loris isn't back yet.
Timothy: oh k
me: But everyone's a bit suss as to why Loris would go looking for her and not tell anyone.
Timothy: what was the ersult with anne?
she ran off?
went with her fam
ro what
me: And Sky made Harold tell her on teh provision she wouldn;t say anything, and straight awy she's all "I'm trelling them"
Anne's "on camp" for 6 days, so she's got that long before they get suss
Timothy: sky made harold tell her what
me: But... ep ended with Mr Baxter arriving at the Timmins door "I know she's in there!"
Timothy: loris and harold are friends, so harold was the one that knew?
me: Yah
Timothy: loris stole anne?
me: Loris swapped Anne at birth, you mean?
When she was at the door, I honestly got so excited, P-M pissed herself until the ad break. She said I looked honest to god downs syndrome, way more than when I pretend.
Timothy: no no
why did loris steal anne and take her to the timmins or 'on camp'
like her dad is all like 'where's my anne'
so obviously loris has done something bad
me: Nah, her Dad thought she was on camp, and we don't know how he found out otherwise yet.
Loris has been looking for Anne and the Baxters all this time. Found them up near Cairns I think.
Timothy: so her dad thinks loris stole her from camp
cairns lol
bit hot up there ay
me: Dunno what the Dad thinks
Timothy: bit dry
me: Yeah, bad on the eyes.
Lol she's blind dun't matter!
Timothy: lolololoool
hey anne!!! what's cairns look like?!?!
lol u don't know
me: lololol
Timothy: (coz u can't see!!!)
me: Hey Anne have I got something in my eye?
Timothy: hahhahahah
hey anne!!!
look! *points*
just kidding!!
hey's my hair???
oh....don't worry
me: Hey Anne * does rude shit*
That was the other guy!
Timothy: *rapes Anne*
Didn't see it. Didn't happen!
me: LOLLOLOLOLOLing way to ohard
Hey, Anne, how come everyone else is clucking like a chicken and you're not?
Oh cos you can't be hypnotised! Reverse pwn!
Dat pwn been flipt yo

Then the simultaneous Bree chat: (Bree my friend, not Bree Timmins)

me: Sorry, just briefing James on Neighbour tonight.
Ho;ly smokes, good one or what?!?!
bree.devereaux: didn't see it, was at work, have to wait for the blog!
me: ANNE
Anne is back
bree.devereaux: OMG!
me: Blind Anne Tiommins!
bree.devereaux: cool
me: Fkn hell I nearly fell off my seat!!
bree.devereaux: why did she leave in the first place?
me: Her parents took her
bree.devereaux: oh.
i can't remember that much about her, was she evil? his is exciting for bree though.
me: Anne's not evil, no, just blind.
bree.devereaux: oh okay.
i thought she was evil
me: She was trying to work her way into the family and nobody knew why, so she was way creepy, but then we found out she was a Timmins, so it all made sense. But she was still just not a great actor.
bree.devereaux: and not a real timmins!
nurture not nature creates timminses imo
me: She is though. Bre's not!
bree.devereaux: ^^
me: OIC
bree.devereaux: yah
did bree ever meet her bio folks?
me: Not yet.
bree.devereaux: maybe soon!
me: Until tonight, cos the end of the ep is Anne's dad at teh Timmins door "I know she's in there!"
bree.devereaux: oh!
way cool!
can't wait for tomorrow.
me: And Janelle's like "Of course she is, come on in and put yer feet up"
And he's all "Well... I didn't expect... what I meant..."
bree.devereaux: what did he mean?
me: He was just taken aback that they didn't hate him.
So was I a bit.
bree.devereaux: ohhhh
i would have thought janelle would be hostile.
me: Yeah, but she's got her girl back now, so she wants to find out why Baxter McGaxter is being such a chump.
bree.devereaux: is... is his name really baxter mcgaxter?
me: I'm writing half my blog right now.
It is now.
bree.devereaux: oh good! it was distressing when it was behind.
me: No I'm not actually, but I'm just gonna cut n paste this I think.
Hmmm, that could work.
but what about the other storylines?
me: Yeah yeah righto. I'll get onto them now...
(That's the segue where I'm gonna start talking about Mickey or Adam or someone)
bree.devereaux: good one!
blogging pro!
me: Yeah, applying for the ROyal Academy of Blogging next fall.
bree.devereaux: soon you will be king of the blogoshpere!
me: You say "spear" like Joel from BB.
bree.devereaux: hahahhahahahahahahaahah
lol, though
me: Joel jokes are my favourite. Speech impediments are pretty hilarious.
bree.devereaux: totally
i used to work with a girl who said "free" when she meant "three". hilarious.
me: Oh noes!
And especially wrokign in a shop.
"How many dollars is this junk?"
bree.devereaux: nah, it used to be
"[person], could you please open on register free, register free!"
me: lol
what a fkn retard.
bree.devereaux: yeah.
me: Imagine if she worked at Grace Brothers in London in teh 70s, every time she'd ask Mrs Slocum if she was free, she'd be all "I'm significantly older my dear"
And then she'd be all "Not free, free!"
bree.devereaux: hahahaha
me: That joke would go for 12 seasons.
bree.devereaux: and would never get old.

I left some funny jokes in because we are funny guys. So yeah, that's the major thing. The title was a bit of a spoiler, but she turned up straight away, but still it was an almighty shock, because the title had put a "Hmmm, I wonder" in my head, and then BAM! She's at the door, and we're gonna find out everything!! So they all bonded, Anne's parents have moved to Cairns and think she's at camp, cos Loris found her, but hasn't come back yet, and only Harold, Anne, and now Sky know why (she's the one who swapped Anne and Bree at birth and is trying to make amends - although I'm not sure what her plan is from here), but Mr Baxter turned up at the end, all hostile, but Janelle just invited him in with a casual "We should have done this a long time ago". VERY intriguing.

Otherwise, hmmm, what else - everything else kinda fades into insignificance. Oh, no there was one other major plot and that's we found out what Adam's story is. Pepper was convinced he was a crim cos he was scared for Steiger in uniform and avoiding him, but tonight he came clean. He actually left her a goodbye note under the door, and we had a voiceover while he packed and got ready to leave town, but by the end of his voiceover, Pepp was over at his door abusing him anyway. The story is he's not a crim, but an ex-UK cop. He made a mistake, left his cop buddy partner (pretty girl in the photo he was looking at last night) alone on a call-out, she got capped, and he's been a wreck ever since - moved to Australia, can't be around cops, overcompensates with symbolic tatts and rippling abs... They talked it all out, he remained determined to leave and not fuck up Pepper's life by bringing her down, and that's exactly what happened - he caught the bus out next morning. Pepper did the lat second race to the bus stop to talk him out of it, but nope, he caught it from opposite Grease Monkeys (although every time we go to his house, they show Melbourne by night shots, like city shots, like we're crossing town and certainly not just popping up the road to Anson's Corner, so in retrospect, why the fuck he'd be catching the Grease Monkeys/Garage bus stop, I have no idea. Anyway, he's left, and Pepper blames her Dad for making her suss. Pepper's dressing skankier than ever, it's not great.

Tom had some more adventures, I can't relaly remember what at this stage, but he's still calling Zeke Karl and showing a lot of affection for him now, a side Karl himself's never seen, so through Zeke, he's getting his Dad's love and respect. Karl's worried it might be too much for the Zekester, but Susan think's it's cool, so we know it is.

I dunno - Mickey and Ned probably. He's still alive and fine. Oh, and part 2 of the Charlie's opening. Steph made another speech (2 in one night?) and was gonna announce she's standing for council, but instead fualted mid-sentence and said she's "standing... here, welcoming you all" or something hokey. he lost her nerve cos Toadie's not being supportive of Steph dong it her way. That's because he's not stupid, and she's very gung ho and would certianly wreck things for herself right now, so he's gonna properly be her campaign manager, even though we already knew that. These scenes were also really full of people dancing terribly, that standard no-music soap dance, and tonight was especially noticeable. Steiger did turn up, K&S were still there, and Lou did a really silly dance that was a bit cringey, but Harold's "Oh.. *smiles*" response was worth it. Lovely.

Finally, there was a bit with Sky and Boyd. He said he doesn;t want to get back with her, but he's trying to feel like he did when they were together, cos he used to be a better person. I think that's true. Sky told him pretty flat out that he has to stop saving people and live his own life, and he was a bit cut and defensive, but he kinda took it on board, so I hope that means, for the 20th time this year, that Boyd will be leaving to start his own life. In Tasmania, on an oil rig, as a crim's offsider, I don't give a toss. Just go.

Good episode.


James said...

so tense for the next blog edition.

about to go chick out the liberty thing and the ground zero and then to a free gig. i won't be here for abouts 10 hours. but will read then.

Anonymous said...

"Timothy: *rapes Anne*
Didn't see it. Didn't happen!"


Also: *blog-famous* yay.